Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Nico Haupt imposter behind "911Clowns"!

Perhaps some have been missing 911clowns, the site my imposter makes using my name. I was going to register then found I could not use my name as someone has already registered under it:

911 Clowns
Even If True We Wouldn't Say It


User account

The name ewing2001 is already taken.
Anyone can register but not everyone is equal.

Anyone who did register can post and make comments but not every post or comment is equal.

It is a privilege and an honor to be allowed to post - do not abuse it.

As you are seeing: The name ewing2001 is already taken.

This is very shocking to find out. My imposter, who is known to me as old friend Jason I have fallen out with, has made site to make fun of the 911 movement that helps only debunkers. And it is likely he has help also from Rick who is not wise to his ways.

So, now you are being warned: perhaps you have found 911Clowns funny, but it is only a front for lies by jealous bitter people claiming to be Nico Haupt, possibly being helped by Richard Seigel.


Anonymous said...

Imposter linked to Col.Sparks and Casseia shows up at 911res

Wed, Jun 20 2007

Imposter linked to Col.Sparks and Casseia shows up at 911res
profile at 911res -login reveals high interests into Col.Sparks and Casseia (both 911blogger.com)

ewing2001 said...

let us play you game jason. is it not true you have harrassed these 911blogger people and could they not be mad at you? and also i have read sparks blog about killtwoofers. is this true did you do this? and inspite of this she was going to help you find you aledged imposter.

but you do not take help. what does this say but that you are the imposter making up more lies to drive other truthers off line? perhaps they talk to imposter and help him make you life more difficult. you have only self to blame for these lies.

ewing2001 said...

and how do you claim to know so much unless you are as i the the real imposter? you do not have to be right; you have only to make up and lie. i am sorry for you.

but if what you say is true, perhaps very clever person is trying to start a fight among truthers and you are taking bait. it would not be first time for you. one day you will be learning better.

ewing2001 said...

so i finally find what you are upset about jason here:


but i do not understand. it looks like it is you doing the searching and also searching for me and killtwoofers. all i can see is you making a search and then claiming it is and imposter.