Tuesday, February 6, 2007

My appologies to Albanese, a little time off

Just briefly, things appear to be better now. I do not see Jason posting so perhaps the new security has worked.

I would also like to add my apologies to Mr. Albanese and all the grief I have sent in his dirrection. Your movies are good--do not let anyone scare you from finishing them!

That is all for now. I am taking several days off. Or will try. It is hard to stay way from the internet sometimes!

Monday, February 5, 2007

to my old friend the imposter

I will say little about this person who is very bitter about my decision. You do not need to know his person as i do. You need to know only he is one of the many who helped me in the past.

Some have pointed out my english is better and my typing is good and that is why i am not me. As i said in my comments before, i asked for help so what I said could be read easily and not add to past misunderstandings.

I understand it is so hard to believe people change. Perhaps with no one helping me now, you will believe better, yes? Still I must go back and capitolize each sentence; that i am told is hard to read.

Technically this imposter is not really so--he has in the past posted material in my old account, but it was just series of links which he is very good at. Still, i say to to my old friend: why continue this anger? You must know what we did at the church was too, too much. I have gotten help. So can you. Stop these lies please.

Friday, February 2, 2007

An appology to 911Blogger

Hello. As it says above, I'm Nico--some of you know me as "ewing2001". I have been very active in the 911 movement from day one and I'd like to think that I've done much good along the way.

But there have been mistakes as well, misunderstandings and, regrettably, a falling out among those who should be friends and allies. Over the last year or so I have been going through a very rough period in my personal life, as well was my financial life, and I must finally admit it has affected my judgement to my deep embarrassment. It was in this angry unthinking state that I created the blog here: 911BloggerSS2008 registered falsely under dz's (of 911Blogger) name.

I apologize to dz and 911Blogger for not only slandering your person and your site, but also for my inexcusable trolling before you banned anonymous posts. It was nasty and juvenile, and there was no excuse.

This does not mean that I necessarily have changed my basic opinions about what happened on 911. But I think we can become partisan, even tribal, when our cherished perspective is challenged. I know in my case, that, combined with the aforementioned stress in my life, drove me to a type of obsession where my judgment eventually suffered. Again , this is no excuse; I just wish to share my state of mind, so the reader may understand how I came to this space. I'm planing on taking a break from 911activism to get my bearings. Perhaps when I return we an all accomplish something constructive together.
