Friday, February 2, 2007

An appology to 911Blogger

Hello. As it says above, I'm Nico--some of you know me as "ewing2001". I have been very active in the 911 movement from day one and I'd like to think that I've done much good along the way.

But there have been mistakes as well, misunderstandings and, regrettably, a falling out among those who should be friends and allies. Over the last year or so I have been going through a very rough period in my personal life, as well was my financial life, and I must finally admit it has affected my judgement to my deep embarrassment. It was in this angry unthinking state that I created the blog here: 911BloggerSS2008 registered falsely under dz's (of 911Blogger) name.

I apologize to dz and 911Blogger for not only slandering your person and your site, but also for my inexcusable trolling before you banned anonymous posts. It was nasty and juvenile, and there was no excuse.

This does not mean that I necessarily have changed my basic opinions about what happened on 911. But I think we can become partisan, even tribal, when our cherished perspective is challenged. I know in my case, that, combined with the aforementioned stress in my life, drove me to a type of obsession where my judgment eventually suffered. Again , this is no excuse; I just wish to share my state of mind, so the reader may understand how I came to this space. I'm planing on taking a break from 911activism to get my bearings. Perhaps when I return we an all accomplish something constructive together.



ewing2001 said...

I should add I'm trying to take down the blog in question but I'm having trouble with the administration. They've stated they don't manage that blog! Have patience; I'm working on it.

Anonymous said... Some clown imposters as ""
5 hours 50 sec ago
picked up at:
9-11 Blogger Can't Handle the Truth!

Anonymous said...

ewing2001 said...

sorry to disappoint you guys, but this "ewing2001" is an imposter, just compare the IPs at blogger, thx ;
isn't me

i am
but nice try, perps anyway ;)

02 February, 2007 22:23

Unknown said...

You can tell it's not Nico because he can't write English that well and even if he could, maybe wouldn't bother.

(To do a good parody though you'd have to study his writing style and Nico-isms.

"I didn't slept since 4 days."

Also, he's not as good as this copycat at admitting mistakes or apologizing. I guess that's supposed to be the joke? "fantasy Nico.")

It's dumb for people to blame him for the failure of the "movement." That's as total "merde" as the sick pictures he made, which I will not defend. No pun intended.

Nico doesn't like 9/11 Blogger and I don't blame him. They are thought policed by twit ringleaders. And are also a snore if you bother to read it.

The denizens actually believe it's a good idea, and all their dreams for justice would be realized, if we could just have a new investigation. A "re-investigation!"

Their close to as brain-washed as the general public. And they've got minders over there to make sure nobody strays from the Party Line. And thuggish memes which work to enforce conformity, since that is "good for the movement."

They also think stuff like writing to your Congressperson about 9/11 is worthwhile.

As much as this blog is by Nico - that's how much I believe 9/11blogger-style activism will ever get to the perps. It might make a livelihood for some and make some people "famous" in our little expanding group.......

I have nothing against DZ though. I salute him for putting up with all the headache for no pay.

Unknown said...

And I'm David Ray Griffin.

ewing2001 said...

it is obvious that, for the importance of this message i got help from friends to be clear. that others cannot move on as i have is sad for them, not me.

you do not have access for long. i know which one you are.

Anonymous said...

tries to be funny again ;)

He's from the same ilk like John Albanese.


ewing2001 said...


ewing2001 said...

jason is a very good imitator. he has my old account and wants to continue hostilities,

i am sorry.

Coffinman said...

You are a total imposter, any fool can verify that the original ewing2001, Nico Haupt is still posting at his own blog:
Nico would have to be totally drunk and then additionally drugged in order to write as badly as you do.
I hope you end up in the hell of pulled fingernails.

ewing2001 said...

first i write too good, then i write too bad! what will convince you? probably nothing.

Peggy Carter said...

"logic" here is faulty.

Peggy Carter said...

I forgot. I guess you are right...nothing will convince us, since we know it's not him.

ewing2001 said...

if you have not already, please stop the compaign at 911blogger. the no planes are not our best evidence. it was wroong of me to push all of you to swamp dz's site.